Jul 29Liked by Theory Underground

ps of course, the pmc children are probably lacking passion, not from merely a lack of struggle, but! because they are put thru an industrial schooling process which vampyrizes their soul...

i do want to say...yeah theres truth in that mythos but.



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its hard to know what to say to people when they do believe this for themselves ... though the guy who said that, was very open minded ...those feelings run deep...and maybe there is some truth to the struggle... but. yes. what to reply πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ it made me think of the pmc children who lack passion

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...there's apparently quite a mythology alive . which maybe relates to the blame of the worker; i've been speaking with the local factory workers about TE... and they have been saying things like, " well, you know that some of the best music comes from the working class, and you know why? it's bc of the struggle

.and who would want to take that away?"

πŸ€”πŸ«£πŸ«’that was in response to my violin


learning to play the violin in reapeatable dependable blocks of timenergy througout the week

so yeah...lots of pro- workingman mythos which.

i didn't know how to respond

so i didn't say anything

i am so surprised talking to the workers in illinois.... they are so alert to politics... i swear; they are so intelligent and informed on all of this; not TE ...but on politics and activism...they're all about it 😎.... i met an environmental activist factory worker...who had all kinds of ideas he wanted to put into practice: they all work on factories along the illinois river, and love and use the river....fish and hunt...so its amazing!

unlike im cleveland where the river was so trashed where the favtories were..no one would think to even touch it.

amazing...the difference from kne place to another

but as for the myhos of the blue collar struggle? what do you say

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This is a really important problem. It's what Nance and I are always referring to as workerism. It's also kind of like that noble savage mythos, or when people romanticize the creativity of black culture because "oh it comes from deep oppression". People go from making a virtue out of necessity to doing apologetics for injustice. Thanks so much for your real world research. I plan on writing something more about this for sure.

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