so, i saw the personal texts as obvious as joking. but as you said, the main point is cancel culture; so what if she was into nazism? / i come from such an extreme environment apparently 🤫😜 where people understood irony and the various uses of joking ... perceiving in good faith? i guess. Also, a place where people would joke a lot... by todays' cancel cult standards, my entire town would have been offed. // also, i highly value, " reading widely ", which entails personally cinsidering the other viewpoints, and also taking from the evil person / civilization etc many rich interesting things.... i used to assume that EVERYONE ELSE ALSO 'READ WIDELY' as in... considering these dift views. uh... it would be weird if fhey didn't... wouldn't it? once again, feel like i'm landing here from another solar system... 'here' being the consensus reality of the interenet. but... i mean come on. i thought this stuff was as basic as it gets.... you read. you think. you consider dift views... 🤓jeh. this shouldnt be underground ot should be like...? what it is to read a book and think about thaaangs. [ if we are truly at this level, fighting for this meagre of a territory in the public sphere...whoa]
This is such an important to lesson to learn from this. Felt like a palate cleanser to come here from twitter.
I also wanted to point out Nina did a b-sides episode somewhat recently on The Lack on the topic of evil that I found very fitting here. Definitely recommend listening if you have access.
IN MY DEFENSE, my original comment was that it mostly looked harmless, except for the sock puppet and section on the Protocols which I didn't understand. I changed my mind within like 20 minutes after understanding the context of the chatlogs. I immediately went on defense, challenging Tutt and others on their assessment.
Nice post. This sort of thing is so silly. On the "You do it you fucking prick" note, I have often felt that even if everything in the bible were exactly right, I would still tell god "go fuck yourself you childish insecure asshole".
I am going to punish the ant farm unless the ants devote their lives to ME! ME ME ME. It is a diary of people being abused by a megalomaniacal narcissist more than anything.
I have so many thoughts, this essay resonated with me deeply. All I’ll say is that your ‘timenergy’ reminds me a lot of the ‘slack’ cryptically hinted at by the Church of the Subgenius. You may be one of us.
'Those who want to change society radically are the most responsible for being epistemically cautious' - YES, thank you for saying this.
ppl who propose radical ideas shouldn't be shocked or outraged when they meet resistance - they should *expect* to meet resistance! that's the price of being radical.
You may already be aware of this, but Nina Paley, who made the "This Land is Mine" animation featured here, was cancelled back in 2017 for holding the view that "men and women are defined, in large and essential ways, by differences based in biology, regardless of how those differences get interpreted culturally or legally." She was even economically censored early last year by indiegogo.
I personally would, presuming if I could do it once I could do it 300 times, go backwards and forwards in time and Groundhog Day the whole thing so that an elaborate domino effect of elements happens to ensure that someone in the vicinity who was going to die anyway is somehow influenced to kill 20 year old Hitler on their way through, and 300 beautiful miraculous things occur in the general vicinity surrounding him, which bubbles out into the world and somehow something really cool happens after that in a murky way in the middle of the movie and everything goes all lovely and the deep state never forms to the extent it did and Tesla lives and we get free energy and avoid the Great Motherfuckery of 2020/2021 altogether cos we went into the Great Mother version early.
so, i saw the personal texts as obvious as joking. but as you said, the main point is cancel culture; so what if she was into nazism? / i come from such an extreme environment apparently 🤫😜 where people understood irony and the various uses of joking ... perceiving in good faith? i guess. Also, a place where people would joke a lot... by todays' cancel cult standards, my entire town would have been offed. // also, i highly value, " reading widely ", which entails personally cinsidering the other viewpoints, and also taking from the evil person / civilization etc many rich interesting things.... i used to assume that EVERYONE ELSE ALSO 'READ WIDELY' as in... considering these dift views. uh... it would be weird if fhey didn't... wouldn't it? once again, feel like i'm landing here from another solar system... 'here' being the consensus reality of the interenet. but... i mean come on. i thought this stuff was as basic as it gets.... you read. you think. you consider dift views... 🤓jeh. this shouldnt be underground ot should be like...? what it is to read a book and think about thaaangs. [ if we are truly at this level, fighting for this meagre of a territory in the public sphere...whoa]
Hahahaha for real
The bit where Land tweets were introduced as evidence was classic
I don't remember anyone anticipating that in 20th century visions of the future, in this case legal practice
This is such an important to lesson to learn from this. Felt like a palate cleanser to come here from twitter.
I also wanted to point out Nina did a b-sides episode somewhat recently on The Lack on the topic of evil that I found very fitting here. Definitely recommend listening if you have access.
IN MY DEFENSE, my original comment was that it mostly looked harmless, except for the sock puppet and section on the Protocols which I didn't understand. I changed my mind within like 20 minutes after understanding the context of the chatlogs. I immediately went on defense, challenging Tutt and others on their assessment.
100% true and based
Nice post. This sort of thing is so silly. On the "You do it you fucking prick" note, I have often felt that even if everything in the bible were exactly right, I would still tell god "go fuck yourself you childish insecure asshole".
I am going to punish the ant farm unless the ants devote their lives to ME! ME ME ME. It is a diary of people being abused by a megalomaniacal narcissist more than anything.
Also everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi!
Yeah but how could we have morals if that magalomaniac wasn't real? 😅
I have so many thoughts, this essay resonated with me deeply. All I’ll say is that your ‘timenergy’ reminds me a lot of the ‘slack’ cryptically hinted at by the Church of the Subgenius. You may be one of us.
'Those who want to change society radically are the most responsible for being epistemically cautious' - YES, thank you for saying this.
ppl who propose radical ideas shouldn't be shocked or outraged when they meet resistance - they should *expect* to meet resistance! that's the price of being radical.
This really hit the spot.
You may already be aware of this, but Nina Paley, who made the "This Land is Mine" animation featured here, was cancelled back in 2017 for holding the view that "men and women are defined, in large and essential ways, by differences based in biology, regardless of how those differences get interpreted culturally or legally." She was even economically censored early last year by indiegogo.
wow I was NOT aware of that.
Nina Paley is great. She's only one of many (mainly women) who suffered this kind of economic and social sanction. She's tough, I love her.
I personally would, presuming if I could do it once I could do it 300 times, go backwards and forwards in time and Groundhog Day the whole thing so that an elaborate domino effect of elements happens to ensure that someone in the vicinity who was going to die anyway is somehow influenced to kill 20 year old Hitler on their way through, and 300 beautiful miraculous things occur in the general vicinity surrounding him, which bubbles out into the world and somehow something really cool happens after that in a murky way in the middle of the movie and everything goes all lovely and the deep state never forms to the extent it did and Tesla lives and we get free energy and avoid the Great Motherfuckery of 2020/2021 altogether cos we went into the Great Mother version early.
I killed baby Hitler AND saved Latin.